Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Hares and flowers

Three quite separate hares seen this afternoon in the Lower Sowerholme field.

More wildflowers to report. My phone taken photographs today were mostly rubbish so I advise people to look on the Wildflower web site for rather better efforts, with the two exceptions below

The flowers to report for the first time this season are:

Brooklime (Flora Field), Germander Speedwell (Lower Sowerholme), Common Mouse-ear (Hay Meadow, Chickweed (Hay Meadow), Good King Henry (Hay Meadow), Creeping Buttercup (Hay Meadow), Common Vetch (Pads Footpath).

The two exceptions are:

Meadow buttercup in Big Meadow (the photo’s poor but for some reason it did not get reported last year so this will have to do for the moment)

Meadow buttercup

Pendulous sedge (Pads footpath)

Pendulous sedge


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1 thought on “Hares and flowers”

  1. We also saw three at the edge of the arable field this afternoon – by the border with Lower Sowerholme.

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