Lots of new flowers observed today in the Reserve
Euphorbia on Pads footpath

Rosebay Willowherb on the Pads footpath

Black medick near the Lucy Brook path junction

Fool’s water cress in Upper Sowerholme

Perforate St John’s wort in Upper Sowerholme

Common ragwort in Upper Sowerholme

Water plantain in Upper Sowerholme (this not observed before, photo not too good because the plant is in deepish water!)

Bulrush in Upper Sowerholme

Self heal in Upper Sowerholme

Smooth hawkbit in the Hay Meadow

Yarrow in the Hay Meadow

Meadowsweet in the Hay Meadow

Birds foot trefoil under the Aldcliffe Road wall

Nipplewort under the Aldcliffe Road wall