Queens Award for Voluntary Service

In Big Meadow

Found some Self Heal in the Big Meadow yesterday. Picture on the wildflower collection shortly. There is also lots of water figwort coming up in the boggy areas. This is almost the predominant plant in Upper Sowerholme but we haven’t had so much in Big Meadow before. Is this a good thing?????

Frogs and a cinnebar moth also observed.


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1 thought on “In Big Meadow”

  1. Paul and I have been struggling to identify a plant in the marsh in the Hay Meadow, which thanks to your post, I now think is water figwort. There is definitely a lot more of it in the Hay Meadow marsh too compared with last year. Something to be raised with Richard Storton when he comes out to visit.

    We also encountered a frog when ragworting yesterday.

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