Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Bird counts

We have started monthly ‘flush counts’ in the winter months, to try and determine how many wetland and water birds are taking advantage of FAUNA’s developing habitats. The first count took place on Monday 28 January (2013), as part of Graham’s monthly inspection of the site.

He was accompanied by Glenys and they were mentored by Richard, our RSPB adviser, so we feel pretty confident of the amazing results: they counted no less than 95 (yes, ninety-five!) snipe in the rushy areas of Big Meadow.

This is a huge number for any one place: although we’ve no reliable counts for previous years (we know snipe have been wintering there for a long time) this very grand total does suggest that we’re doing something right as far as the snipe are concerned.

They also spotted:

  • a solitary brown hare in Big Meadow
  • 2 moorhens on School Pond, 2 pairs of mallard on Lucy’s Pool
  • 10 teal on Upper Sowerholme Pond.

There’s more about snipe – and just about every other British bird – on the RSPB’s website:

A group of us walked the FAUNA path this morning (30 January) with our Natural England Adviser, Nigel. There were still a number of fieldfare towards the northwest of Grammar School Field.


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