Queens Award for Voluntary Service

On display this evening

Highlights of a brief walk around the reserve boundaries this evening were: a lapwing enjoying the muddy area … Read More

January Flush Count

A very productive flush count in Fauna today, in marshes as wet as I think they have ever … Read More

Bird sightings by Richard

Drip’s last post mentioned that a group of FOG members went round the reserve with Richard Storton from … Read More

Reed bunting

A sighting by Ruth who was another person tempted to walk around the reserve on Saturday evening by … Read More


Along with a host of jackdaws, there were about 15 starlings in the Gleesons field this afternoon. We … Read More

Three birds beginning with S

Early this morning: Other birds spotted in the area over the past week or so:Canada GooseShelduckMallardPheasantGrey HeronSparrowhawkBuzzardMoorhenBlack-headed GullHerring … Read More


Walking through the reserve on my way to work this morning I noted: 3 siskin, up to 20 … Read More