Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Geese and Buzzards

Multiple skeins of geese (someone will have recognised them by their calls but not me, sorry) flew south … Read More

Birds this morning

At this morning’s WWG we noticed Two greylag geese on Alder Pond A kestrel around Pony Wood Quite … Read More

Pink-footed geese

Spotted on Tuesday 15 December around 1 p.m. on the slopes between West Field and Willow Lane.

Geese and bull

A flock of 30 to 40 geese enjoying the stubble in Flora Field this morning. They were either … Read More

Feeding time

With the crop having been harvested, the field by Aldcliffe Road has become an all-you-can-eat buffet for birds. … Read More

Thrush and geese

Part of the large flock of geese currently feeding on the hills adjacent to West Field actually crossed … Read More

Geese in the reserve

Two independent and reliable reports to me that the geese have at last ventured into the Nature Reserve, … Read More


Whilst working on the east hedge of West Field today one of us noticed a shrew which conveniently … Read More