Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Birds this morning

A heron took off from Alder Pond as we passed this morning and a sparrowhawk was on patrol … Read More

Teal and thrush

Three teal on Alder Pond this morning, plus a song thrush in the Orchard. Also, I have been … Read More


Dragonfly paradise in the reserve today with at least three species around Alder Pond, where we watched one … Read More

Teal and primroses

Five teal on Alder Pond yesterday. There are also primroses in flower in Pony Wood and lots of … Read More

Pied Wagtail

  Walking round Fairfield yesterday afternoon we noted two fieldfare in Big Meadow and two in West Field, … Read More


There was a very handsome male pheasant by the edge of Alder Pond around 4pm today. He was … Read More

Water rails???

Two rather different birds around the outlet to Alder Pond yesterday. A passer by thought they were water … Read More

Early morning birds

Graham did his latest monitoring walk around last Saturday at the early hour of 7am. He surprised a … Read More


A heron by the side of Alder Pond this afternoon. Perhaps not good news as I believe they … Read More