Can someone identify this flower for me. It’s on the new path through Pony Wood.
Many thanks.
Protecting and improving green spaces in Lancaster
Can someone identify this flower for me. It’s on the new path through Pony Wood.
Many thanks.
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Phacelia! Known in the USA, where it’s native, as Fiddleneck. Sown (with permission and encouragement from Natural England) in the arable field margins. Its seeds, along with fodder radish and other specially chosen plants, provide winter food for farmland birds, and it seems to be doing a good job, especially in attracting a flock of linnets which have been seen every winter for several years.
Hi Oliver, thanks for the information. There was a suggestion that it was Viper’s Bugloss which it does looks bit like although I couldn’t quite reconcile it exactly. The bumble bees really like them – there were a number last evening seemingly ‘comatose’ with their heads in the flowers! Christine