Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Catching Up on Bird Sightings

We have seen the lapwings in the last couple of days – one on the ground by the crest of the hill, visible from the long pads path, looking very alert and on one occasion seeing off some gulls.
Here are the species seen on the Dawn Walk on April 9th
woodpigeon, chaffinch,nuthatch,blue tit,magpie,jay,lesser BB gull,herring gull,carrion crow,mallard,robin,grey heron,blackbird,house sparrow,curlew,goldfinch,sparrowhawk,starling,greenfinch,great tit,bullfinch
and heard: blackcap, dunnock and wren
and on the Evening Walk on April 16th
Blue tit,robin,chiffchaff,magpie, swallows, long-tailed tit, 2 grey partridge, buzzard, chaffinch, sand martin
and finally on the dawn walk on April 23rd
Blackbird, collared dove, wood pigeon, house sparrow, swallow, shelduck, starling, LBB gull, 2 grey partridge, robin, willow warbler, greenfinch, blue tit, reed bunting, magpie, approx 20 wheatear stopping over on their way to Greenland, BH gull, mistle trhrush, jackdaw, feral pigeon, mallard, carrion crow, moorhen, jackdaws
and heard: great tit, chiff chaff, dunnock