Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Volunteering 13th July and MORE!

Hello Orchardeers
First of all an apology. Jonathan is on holiday and has not been available to enhance the rather sparse outline I send to him of what we plan for volunteering. So for one month only (I hope) a bare bones appeal for you to come and help
On Saturday 13th July there will be a volunteer session in the Fairfield Orchard, Fauna and Flora starting at 10am and finishing around 1pm. If three hours seems a bit daunting come along for as long as you wish. Help from all abilities is valued and we will try to find something just for you. Our main tasks are:
a) Mow the grass
b) Strim around a section of the fruit trees and in front of the fruit hedge
c) Cutting and slashing long grass around the fruit trees
d) Digging out ragwort along the Pads footpath, the Fauna path and in the Paddock
e) Another goat willow has cast one its major boughs which needs clearing
f) A quince shrub is being enveloped and needs the ground around it clearing.
As well as this regular session we need to turn to ragwort control once more. I will be organising ragwort working parties from week beginning Monday the 8th of July. These will involve some spot spraying and rather a lot of digging out in the hay meadows and rush areas. The sessions will be both day and evening and weekday / weekend. So if you can lend a hand please let me know your availability on the address / number below.
Finally, on Thursday July 25th we have a group of international students coming along with Green Lancaster, I am not sure of the timing yet but if anyone can help out co-ordinating their efforts I will appreciate. Again please let me know on:
Many thanks
Ian Procter