Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Lots to See

An excellent tally for the third flush count of the season. 114 snipe counted, 4 of which were … Read More

Stoat and herons

Tuesday 22nd. A third siting of a stoat around the triple gates area. We also saw at least … Read More

Wildlife whilst hedging

The Hedge Working Party met yesterday. One of us observed a small flock of field fare in West … Read More

Counting in the fog

After the dryness of the early autumn, the marshes are now awash. And the snipe are coming back … Read More

Heron and jays

I saw a heron in the middle of the Grammar School field today. I have seen it there … Read More

Herons and mystery flower

Two herons stood to attention in the Big Meadow marsh this morning. Can anyone identify this flower? A … Read More

Flowers and birds

Seen in the last day or two: a  kestrel hunting over Big Meadow (29th May) and a heron … Read More

Wildlife today

Whist working in the Reserves today we have observed three roe deer (this morning in Upper and Lower … Read More

Flower and bird report

The wood anenomes near the Orchard north gate are starting to come. Blackthorn blossom near the fruit hedge. … Read More

First signs of spring?

Whilst working in the fields this morning we came across the first frogspawn of the year in the … Read More