Queens Award for Voluntary Service


Very late dog walk along the path between the Orchard and Cromwell road, I came upon a barn owl sitting on one of the fence posts.  Not sure if it was confused by my bright head torch but it allowed me to get within 2 feet.  Only flying off when I said “hello owl”.  As it flew up another barn owl flew into my torch beam and both owls made off towards the allotments.

On the way back, two tawny owls were calling to each other in the trees by the farm house. Unfortunately I did not get chance to see them, but was entertained by their noisy calls for a good 5 minutes before I was reminded by my dog that we were supposed to be on a dog walk, and I headed home a happy man.


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1 thought on “Owls”

  1. Although we have had Tawny owls reported on the blog, that’s the first sighting of Barn owls, as far as I’m aware. Many thanks for posting this – must have been fantastic to see them so close.

    Otters, Kingfishers, Barn owls – quite a haul in the last couple of months! Please keep them coming. Thanks again.

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