Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Bird Walk on Wed 5 April

Yesterday, I hosted a U3A Half-Day Birding walk around Fairfield which was attended by 16 members. On the way to meet them on the end of Sunnyside Lane, I saw a Jay above the gun range and a sparrow hawk overhead.

Among the more interesting birds we saw were 1 swallow (West Field), a pair of reed bunting (picture of male, near Alder pond), 2 linnet (oak on long pads path), 2 grey partridge (arable field), willow warblers, blackcaps and chiffchaffs (Orchard, some seen, all heard), 2 greenfinch, a goldfinch


and a mistle thrush (above paddock) and finally a nuthatch, goldcrest and great spotted woodpecker (the last 2 heard) back near Sunnyside Lane.


Oh, and a wren and a dunnock.dscn4854

We also saw a peacock butterfly and a tortoiseshell.
