Queens Award for Voluntary Service

A Spring of Teal

I walked along the path from the Fairfield Orchard to the Cromwell Road gate this afternoon at about 2:45 pm.  The weather was cold but sunny.

There was one song thrush in the Big Meadow not far beyond the map board.  I watched it for about 5 minutes and it did not move much.

Continuing to the School Pond I spotted teal.  In the end I counted 5 pairs; so a total of 10.

They were spread around the edges of the pond initially but went into the water eventually.  However they stayed visible on the water and did feel the need to retreat to the reeds on the far side of the pond.

There was also one moorhen around the School Pond.

According to the Internet, the collective noun for a group of teal is “a spring”.  Hence the title of this post.


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1 thought on “A Spring of Teal”

  1. Walked past the School Pond again today (21 March). On this occasion about 1 pm with the weather cold and bright as before.
    There were teal present but it was initially difficult to determine numbers as they were spread around the edges and kept disappearing behind the reeds.
    Eventually, however, a squadron of teal swam out into clear water. My wife counted 14 and I can confirm 12.

    A couple of moorhen also at the pond as well.

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