Minutes of the Fairfield Association meeting held on 21 November 2023 at the Tite & Locke
Present: Andrew Brennand, Dave Brookes, Geoff Oliver, Hilary Short (Chair), Ian Diffenthal, Ian Procter, Jane Parker, Mark Tanner, Mick Short, Mike Stevens, Sharon Diffenthal, Sue Nieduszynska
1. Apologies
Sue Pope, Tony Finn
2. Minutes from the last meeting
- These were agreed.
3. Matters Arising
- LGGS re LNR – LGGS has some oak and silver birch saplings they’d like to plant on the LGGS field. It’s too wet there but they can plant by the FAUNA path on Robin Loxam’s land. Fairfield Association volunteers will help. Nothing yet on LNR agreement.
- Bicycle Hangar. Application has been made to Lancashire County Council’s Active Travel Grants for £5k – we should hear in December. Will apply for planning permission once money has arrived.
4. AGM minutes
- Changes to attendance list
- Charity Commission notified and Entrust will be notified.
5. Treasurer’s Report
Bank balance
Date | Amount in £ |
25.09.23 | 72,071 |
31.10.23 | 74,065 |
Restricted funds
Source | Amount in £ |
Lancaster University | 72 |
Triangle | 830 |
Play area (PA) | 5101 |
LCC | 3000 |
Fundraising | 262 |
Tesco Grant | 500 |
Asda | 478 |
Wind turbine (PA) | 1500 |
Play area | -6933 |
General | 262 |
Total Restricted | 4810 |
General funds and balance
Funds | Amount in £ |
General Funds | 69,255 |
Total Restricted | 4810 |
Total Balance | 74,065 |
Significant income
- £478 matched funds from Asda
- £1500 from wind turbine for the play area
- Apple day £567 (net)
- Chain saw course (£380 July, £380 September then £200 refund)
- Toro report £253
- Skelcher survey £550
Are we happy with the Square units? Do we need to investigate an alternative method for taking payments before Easter?
6. Membership and Friends
- No new friends or members
7. Playground
- Work commenced Tuesday 7 November. New banners have gone up. New roundabout is in. Volunteers will be sanding and treating the benches and bins on Wednesday 22 November. Council estimate completing work by mid-January.
8. Education
- No update
9. Events
- 29 July – volunteers’ picnic – not as well attended as hoped – possibly too late in the year
- 23 September – Apple Day – raised £567 – attendance may have been down as there were no signs along the orchard path
- AGM may be better slightly earlier – September 2024?.
- 18 November – Green Fair – went very well
- Carol singing – Liz Bell will lead the singing and bring additional singers, Duncan Bell will bring his trumpet, Andrew will organise posters
- Wassailing – 13 or 20 January. Need to source the wassailing drink. Andrew will organise posters.
9. FOGG report
- Discussion about lowering the hedges on Pony Wood path to improve views
- Rebecca Keys now runs the Wednesday volunteer group
- Rope closure fixed to gates by Cromwell Rd and Pony wood to prevent noise.
- Anti-graffiti varnish applied to Bird Sighting board. Plastic cover will be repaired
- Funding from Tree Council for West Field hedge planting received.
- Main activity at the moment is hedge laying.
10. FOTT report
- Website will be incorporated into the main Fairfield website.
11. General Updates
- Skipton Building Society will donate £300 towards the play area following its recent promotion
12. Website, Facebook and Newsletter
- Mark Tanner has been working with Julia since September to improve the website. Intention is to integrate both old and new site onto a new platform. We will be able to have new features e.g. selling things and an integrated calendar. Discussion around deciding common terms for nature reserve, playground and orchard. Meeting expressed a heartfelt thanks to Mark for undertaking the work.
- Proposed newsletter before Easter to trail the Easter Egg Hunt.
13. AOB
- Ian Diffenthal will pass on recommendation for a new gazebo
- Lancaster District Green Spaces website has been sent our details for their new website.
- Calendars – 32 calendars remain unsold. New photographgers are needed. Will get a photo of the new playground.
- Thank you minuted to Ian Diffenthal for his efforts on litter picking.
14. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will take place at 7:30pm on Tuesday 16 January 2024 at the Tite & Locke.