The meeting was held at the Tite & Locke.
Andrew Brennand (Chair), Dan Morris, Dave Brookes, Hilary Short, Ian Diffenthal, Ian Procter, Jane Parker, Janet Paske, Jon Barry, Mark Tanner, Mick Short, Sharon Diffenthal, Sue Nieduszynska, Sue Pope
1. Apologies
Geoff Oliver, Mike Stevens, Norman Gardner, Robin Jackson, Tony Finn
2. Minutes from the last meeting
These were agreed
3. Matters Arising
- LGGS and Local Nature Reserve status – no progress
- QR code project – no update
- Fundraising meeting – 17 December 2024 – follow up meeting 28 January 2025 at 7pm
4. Treasurer’s Report & Annual Return
Bank balance
Date | Account | Amount (£) |
19.11.24 | 131,006 | |
21.01.25 | Co-op | 55,172 |
Skipton | 85,000 | |
21.01.25 | Total 140,172 |
This total includes the legacy of £54,760 received in 2023.
The interest rate on the Skipton account went down from 3.4% to 3.15% on 09.12.2024
General funds
Significant income
- £7591 revenue grant
- £715 for saplings
- £182 from carol singing
- £956 for calendars and cards
- £300 deposit for solicitor support
- £1081 for calendars and cards
- £510 for crop management
Annual return is due end of February – Andrew to complete
5. Playground
- Lease renewal is still with LCC
- LCC will replace the bins in the new financial year (April)
- There is some graffiti in the play area and the volunteers’ shed – advice will be sought to remove and prevent
6. Fairfield Cycle Hub
- Cycle parking has been very popular – we could fill another two hangars. We plan to get another bicycle hangar, a public cycle rack, signage and a bollard to prevent car parking in the space between the hangars. Mike has submitted a bid for funding to Avanti (approx. £8000)
7. Education
- Walk & Talk event on 29 January for MA linguistics students from the University of Lancaster – volunteers still needed
- Dan Morris (recommended by Ros Jones) former primary teacher (Sports & PE lead) now a member of Lancaster & Heysham Schools Sports Network (CIC). Expertise includes outdoor education, ecology, land management and Forest Schools. Working with Ros on a transition day for Y5 & 6 at the University of Lancaster in the summer. Dan is keen to get involved as a volunteer and would like to be part of a relaunched educational programme. Association could make money available to fund transport to the reserve. Grants could also be sought to cover this. Dan needs to visit the nature reserve and assess the educational potential. Andrew to convene an education meeting with Dan and others to explore possibilities.
8. Events
- Green Fair on Saturday 23 November at the Friends Meeting House – weather was terrible and footfall was slow – thanks to all involved
- Carol singing on Christmas Eve – raised £182.22
- Easter Egg Hunt – Bethany & Katherine Woodfine are organising for Monday 21 April
- Fairfield Festival on Saturday 24 May 2025 – Andrew, Mike and Jon Hill are organising
- Wild Roots Nature Fest – 14 & 15 June – nature walks around the reserve organised by Ros Jones – Sue N has been putting Ros in contact with specialists: butterflies, birds
- Open Yardens – three years ago approx. 20 gardens/yards were open for a weekend: £5 for adults, children free. Took £900. Would like to do 21 & 22 June with some support from members. Jon to send information to Andrew to distribute to members. Mark will provide technical support
- North Lancashire Wildlife Group (NLWG) – possible event later in summer
9. Cattle discussion
- Fraser will soon stop looking after the White Park Cattle. Robin Loxam, who owns the cattle, will assume responsibility. The herd will be reduced by 50%. A farmer in Carnforth will take responsibility for the cattle when Robin is away but would need to be notified of problems. To this end a small number of volunteers will be required to monitor the herd. Ian Diffenthal is happy to be an observer. Morecambe Bay Conservation Grazing is developing guidance on what to look out for when observing and this can be shared with volunteers. We need more volunteers who are willing to be observers – if you’re interested contact the Fairfield Association
10. FFOG
- Damaged gate needs replacing and a damaged lock needs replacing – Frank Huddleston, contractor, is going to do work on footpaths and gates
- Andy Lee, tree surgeon, is working on trees in the reserve – three Ash trees have been felled
- Bird feeding is running well and they’ve seen a good range of birds, particularly migratory birds and a barn owl
- Sapling planting in six different sites on 14 December – 30 volunteers planted 360 saplings
11. The Triangle
Nothing to report
12. Website, Facebook, Instagram and Newsletter
- Website – improved availability of the photographic survey of the reserve that has been going for ten years
- Newsletter needed in March to advertise the Easter Egg Hunt and the Fairfield Festival
13. AOB
There was no AOB
14. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will take place at 7:30pm on Tuesday 18 February 2025 at the Tite & Locke.