Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Fairfield Association Minutes: 20 February 2024

Minutes of the Fairfield Association meeting held on 20 February 2024 at the Tite & Locke


Andrew Brennand, Dave Brookes, Chris Paterson, Emma Putland, Geoff Oliver, Grace Naylor, Hilary Short (Chair), Ian Diffenthal, Ian Procter, Mark Tanner, Mike Stevens, Sharon Diffenthal, Sue Nieduszynska, Sue Pope

1. Apologies

Jane Parker, Mick Short, Robin Jackson, Tony Finn

2. Minutes from the last meeting

  • These were agreed.

3. Matters Arising

  • LGGS re Local Nature Reserve – no news despite several calls – head teacher offered to call back today.
  • Bicycle Hangar. We received a grant of £5000 and need to submit a planning application. City Council will pay VAT and this has been agreed with County Council
  • Gazebo has been bought

4. Treasurer’s Report

Bank balance

DateAmount in £

Restricted funds

SourceAmount in £
Play area4208
LCC (bicycle hangar)5000

General funds and balance

FundsAmount in £
General Funds133,861
Total Restricted9,208
Total Balance143,069


  • FOTT funds transferred to General Fund as decided on 16 Jan 2024

Significant income

  • Council grant for tree saplings £444.78
  • Sale of power scythe £175


  • Fishwick farms hay £500
  • EZUp gazebo £204
  • Dan Haywood bird surveys £580

New savings account

Paperwork is being prepared to open a savings account with the Skipton Building Society.

  1. The names on the account to be Andrew Brennand (trustee), Hilary Short (trustee) and Jane Parker (treasurer)
  2. Two signatures will be required to operate the account

Unanimous approval from the meeting to open the account.

Margaret Burtonwood bequest

Sue N and Hilary are investigating whether it might be possible to purchase some land adjacent to the Fairfield Nature reserve. Other ideas for the bequest are welcome – discussion at meeting in March.

6.  Membership and Friends

  • No new members and two new friends. Discussion about how to promote membership via the new website.

7. Playground

  • Work commenced Tuesday 7 November. The equipment has been delivered for installation.
  • Andrew has been advised likely completion is end of March.
  • The council has agreed to be our safety engineers going forward undertaking regular inspections.
  • They will liaise with Andrew as FA will have to pay for any necessary repairs.

8. Education

  • Andrew met with Tony. Tony will submit a funding request to Natural England by the end of March.
  • Chris is interested in getting involved with Education – Hilary to arrange a meeting with Tony

9. Events

  • AGM to be 17 September 2024 at the Friends Meeting House – Hilary to book
  • Easter egg hunt to be organised by Bethany and Katherine on Easter Monday, 1 April
  • NLWG wildlife fair in the orchard on 16 June – Fairfield Association may arrange a tea tent
  • The Fairfield Festival to celebrate the new playground will be on 25 May – Andrew and Mike will liaise with Jon – BBQ during the day and Pizza in the evening, music all day and more ice cream

9. FFOG report

  • NLWG event in orchard on 16 June
  • Next meeting is on site looking at where some trees might be planted

10. The Triangle

  • Two attempted break ins at the small building in the Triangle

11. General Updates

  • None

12. Website, Facebook and Newsletter

  • Grace is keen to refresh the FA’s Instagram presence. What goes on Instagram can also go on Facebook
  • Mark Tanner has been working with Julia since September to improve the website. The new website is live. Mark has set up a Google workspace and can provide email addresses.  Meeting to discuss website development and social media presence 7pm 5 March at the Tite & Locke – Andrew to book
  • Newsletter will be produced before Easter

13. AOB

  • None

14. Date of next meeting

The next meeting will take place at 7:30pm on Tuesday 19 March 2024 at the Tite & Locke.