Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Fairfield Association Minutes: 16 January 2024

Minutes of the Fairfield Association meeting held on 16 January 2024 at the Tite & Locke.

Present: Andrew Brennand (Chair), Dave Brookes, Ian Diffenthal, Ian Procter, Jane Parker, Mark Tanner, Sharon Diffenthal, Sue Nieduszynska, Sue Pope

1. Apologies

Geoff Oliver, Hilary Short, Mick Short, Robin Jackson, Tony Finn

2. Minutes from the last meeting

These were agreed.

3. Matters Arising

• LGGS re LNR – no news despite several calls. We plan to contact the school governors.
• Bicycle Hangar. We received a grant of £5000 and need to submit a planning application. Andrew to chase re having to pay VAT.
• Calendars all sold – well done Ruth Haigh who coordinated sales this year.

4. Treasurer’s Report 

Bank balance   

DateAmount in £
16.01.24 143,253

Restricted funds 

SourceAmount in £
Lancaster University     72
Triangle  830
Play area  (CIC Pizza)  5101
LCC  (bicycle hangar)  5000
Fundraising 262
Tesco Grant        500
Wind turbine (PA)1500
Skipton   300
Total Restricted10,110

General funds and balance

FundsAmount in £
General Funds133,143
Total Restricted10,110
Total Balance     143,253

Significant income

  • £54,760.48 bequest from Margaret Burtonwood (to general fund)
  • RPA stewardship grant £7591.75
  • Carol singing £214.16
  • Wassailing £199.13
  • £5000 for bicycle hangar,
  • £1441 surplus for calendars and cards


  • £704 for calendars
  • £445 for saplings (this will be reimbursed)
  • £309 for Woodscape bin mesh

We need to move some money to a savings account – Jane is investigating alternatives – must be ethical and it must be possible to withdraw with 90 days’ notice (say).

It is possible to take payments directly with a smartphone.

5. Membership and Friends

  • No new members and two new friends.
  • Following an email from Geoff, several friends have increased their standing order.

6. Playground

  • Work commenced Tuesday 7 November.
  • The equipment has been delivered for installation.
  • Andrew to remind the council that it needs to be completed by the end of February, if at all possible.

7. Education

  • No update.
  • Natural England payment is available if there have been three education visits in a year. Andrew to check with Tony.

8. Events

  • AGM may be better slightly earlier – September 2024?
  • Carol singing – led by Duncan Bell, raised £214.16 – can we ensure good coverage of Fairfield? – perhaps start at a different place in 2024
  • Wassailing – 13 January, approx. 100 people, raised £199.13.
  • Easter egg hunt to be organised by Bethany and Katherine, Easter Monday is 1 April
  • NLWG event in the orchard – Sue to follow up
  • Pizza in the Park to celebrate the new playground – Andrew and Mike will liaise with Jon

9. Flora, Fauna & Orchard Group (FFOG) report

  • Tree planting on 13 January – 1006 saplings were planted by 36 volunteers included a scout leader with one scout, there were 10 under 24 and one under 16 and two over 80.

10. The Triangle

  • FOTT is standing down as a formal subgroup of the Fairfield Association and their funds will be transferred to the general fund

11. General Updates

Proposed new Gazebo – E-ZUp is recommended – 3m square that is easy to put up. Dave to send info to Hilary. Hilary to pursue.

12. Website, Facebook and Newsletter

  • Mark Tanner has been working with Julia since September to improve the website. Stage 1 is almost complete. The next stage is to move the website to the secure site, so it is live.
  • Need to be more consistent in publicising events as not everyone gets information. Hilary is aware of the problem with emails to members.
  • Hilary to contact Katherine Woodfine about a newsletter before Easter to trail the Easter Egg Hunt.

13. AOB

  • None

14. Date of next meeting

The next meeting will take place at 7:30pm on Tuesday 20 February 2024 at the Tite & Locke.