Queens Award for Voluntary Service

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Fairfield Open Yardens Weekend – Saturday

June 21 @ 1:00 PM 4:00 PM

During the afternoons of Saturday 21 June and Sunday 22 June a number of yardens (gardens and back yards) will be open throughout the weekend (last time there were over 20). The public buys a £6 ticket to visit an unlimited number of yardens over the weekend.

Yardening for wildlife

The theme is “yardening for wildlife”. There will also be special “tea yardens” where people can get refreshments. All proceeds to the Fairfield Association. The intention is to open the yardens between 1pm and 4pm.

Help organising

Help however is needed. As in 2022, Jon Barry is happy to lead on organising the event. However, he would like a handful of people to help with the organising. This isn’t onerous. It is things like collating the yarden brochure, publicity, designing the yarden ticket, delivering yarden packs to yardens, co-ordinating the tea yardens.

Volunteer your yarden

If you would like to be an open yarden you can open your yarden on one or both days. If your yarden – however big or small – has a wildlife-friendly feature (e.g. pond, pollinating flowers, hedgehog homes, bird habitat, wildflower meadow, insect hotels), please get in touch.


If you have some time to help, or want to volunteer your garden or just find out more, email and we will forward your message to Jon.

Many thanks for your support,