Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Flora in Fauna

A nice patch of Selfheal in the Big Meadow, a blue plant visible from the Pads footpath. Wild … Read More

Viper’s bugloss

A lovely collection of wild flowers in front of the Fauna Stones at the moment including red campion, … Read More

Ragworting sights

Whilst ragwort spraying over the last few days we have seen a flock of geese giving Fauna the … Read More

Recent wildlife

A heron flying over Flora yesterday and a song thrush in Fauna a few days ago. There is … Read More

Wild flowers

There is the beginnings of a nice show of flowers on the Long Pads footpath with Greater Stitchwort … Read More

May Nature Notes

Hedgerow Flowers The last two weeks has seen the appearance of our hedgerow flowers, several of them already … Read More

Another plant puzzle

These plants are growing alongside the Pads footpath. Can anyone help in identifying? As well as these we … Read More

Mystery flower

Can anyone help identify the pictured flower. It is under the lime tree adjacent to the Orchard stump … Read More


Forget-me-nots alongside the Pads footpath

April Nature Notes

After the unusually cold weather in March, we are still waiting for its wildlife to appear! A solitary … Read More