Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Roses in Fauna hedge

The roses in the hedge at the Cromwell Road end of the Fauna footpath are looking stunning this … Read More

Flower identity

Can anyone identify this flower, to be found under the big trees just to the east of the … Read More


Two summers ago, the Hay Meadow acquired its first orchids – a little patch of Common Spotted Orchids, probably … Read More

Flowers in the Stubble

On our routine monthly inspection yesterday we (Oliver and Glenys) found quite a number of flourishing plants among … Read More

Flowers in the Stubble

We found these in the arable field today. I think they are: poppy and corn chamomile, corn marigold, and … Read More

Wildflower plot

The wild flower plot behind the Fauna Stones has been only a modest success. Goodness knows why the … Read More

A couple of new flowers

Whilst undertaking the wildflower survey today we noted a couple of flowers not recorded on the Reserve before: … Read More


A first sighting on the Reserve of Monkeyflower in the wet section of the Hay Meadow on 11th … Read More