Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Come to the Fairfield Festival – Saturday 13 July 2024

Our Green Spaces

The Fairfield Association in Lancaster is now responsible for around 50 acres of land including: 

Fairfield Nature Reserve
Fairfield Nature Reserve
Fairfield Community Orchard
Fairfield Community Orchard
Roundabout at Fairfield Playground
Fairfield Green and Playground
People attending the stalls, treasure trail and BBQ at the Triangle in the sunshine
Aldcliffe Road Triangle

Community Membership

Keep in touch with what is going on and see how you can help. Membership is free.

Latest News

Fairfield Association Monthly Minutes: 25 June 2024

Minutes of the Fairfield Association meeting held on 25 June 2024 at the Tite & Locke.

Fairfield Association Meeting Agenda: Tuesday 25 June 2024

Agenda for the monthly meeting which takes place in the Tite & Locke at 7.30pm …

FFOG Minutes: 2 May 2024

Minutes of the Fauna, Flora and Orchard Sub-Group (FFOG) meeting on 2 May 2024.

Fairfield Association Monthly Minutes: 21 May 2024

Minutes of the Fairfield Association meeting held on 21 May 2024 at the Tite & Locke

What’s On

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Special Events

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Regular Meetings

Fairfield Festival – 13 July 2024

Wildlife Sightings

Wild Rose


There are several of these lovely roses along the Pony Wood path …

Lesser Whitethroat

Steve Bullen

A lesser whitethroat with fledglings was in the hedge by Long Pads …

Mum and Young in Flora Field


This roe deer and fawn were happily feeding …

Roe Deer Doe and Fawn


The roe deer with her fawn were spotted in an Aldcliffe Rd. garden adjacent to Upper Sowerholme …