Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Fairfield volunteering Saturday 10th April 2021

Here is Jonathan’s message

Hello All,
The Fairfield Association’s monthly Saturday volunteer sessions will resume on April 10th using social distancing to maintain safety.
People will work in teams of up to six and there will be staggered start times. Volunteers must maintain two metre distance at all times.
The meeting place will be the Orchard stump circle and not the shed.
To facilitate this we need to know the numbers planning to attend. Please could you let Ian Procter know by noon, Thursday 8th April.
Ian will then allocate people to teams and start times and inform volunteers no later than noon on Friday.
Or you can contact him via the miracle of modern telephony over at the Volunteer Co-ordination Helpdesk, which is: 07811 970595
We have two main jobs on the Saturday:
* Burning the brash stored alongside the Fauna path.
* Moving brash into the ‘wild’ section of the Orchard to block the recently much overused path. This will once again preserve the area for wildlife.
Very best wishes,