Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Wild marjoram

Wild marjoram in the Orchard but tucked away – only visible from the Pads footpath just north of … Read More

Wildlife in the Orchard

Some of the wildlife I photographed on a visit to the Orchard on Friday.

In Flower in the Orchard

A walk around the Orchard and Pads footpath this afternoon and noted the following in flower: Honeysuckle, red … Read More

Linnet and Housemartins

Couple of recent sightings from Philip: Linnet seen nesting with young, in hedgerow on path leading to Orchard: … Read More

Here be dragons

In dragonfly news: there was a black-tailed skimmer on the reserve today and a brown hawker was hunting … Read More

Recent wildlife

A heron flying over Flora yesterday and a song thrush in Fauna a few days ago. There is … Read More


Sparrowhawk flew across Fauna and into the Orchard this afternoon.

Hare today…

There were 2 brown hares showing very well close to School Pond this morning. I noticed one nearby … Read More

Three birds beginning with S

Early this morning: Other birds spotted in the area over the past week or so:Canada GooseShelduckMallardPheasantGrey HeronSparrowhawkBuzzardMoorhenBlack-headed GullHerring … Read More

Another plant puzzle

These plants are growing alongside the Pads footpath. Can anyone help in identifying? As well as these we … Read More