Queens Award for Voluntary Service


Two pairs of goosander on the School Pond this lunchtime. Yesterday another sighting of a hare in Big … Read More

Wildlife sightings

Whilst marking out the beetle banks ready for the ploughman yesterday I put up a snipe from the … Read More

Winter wildlife

The Hedge Working Party were mainly working near Pony Wood this morning and so had a look in … Read More

Hoverflies in the Orchard

Lovely sunny day so visited the Orchard this afternoon (23.04.2017) to enjoy the wildlife. So much buzzing about! … Read More


Orange tip butterflies observed in the Orchard and Paddock whilst we were volunteering yesterday

Teal and thrush

Three teal on Alder Pond this morning, plus a song thrush in the Orchard. Also, I have been … Read More

More butterflies

Lots of whites flying in the wetter areas of the meadows today, and this Green Veined White was … Read More


Dragonfly paradise in the reserve today with at least three species around Alder Pond, where we watched one … Read More