Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Kestrel Mobbed by Magpies

This female kestrel was being mobbed by magpies by the Aldcliffe Rd. gate.

Birds this morning

At this morning’s WWG we noticed Two greylag geese on Alder Pond A kestrel around Pony Wood Quite … Read More

Male Kestrel

Yesterday I noticed the kestrel hovering over Flora field and, on returning round Pony Wood, there it was above … Read More

December flush count

It’s impossible to predict how any one count will go: there does not seem to be any obvious … Read More

Reed Bunting

This morning we visited the new bird table in the arable field, and although there were no birds … Read More

Birds in Big Meadow

The Wednesday Work Group watched a kestrel hunting over Big Meadow but the highlight  was the frequent sighting, … Read More

Jacks Ahoy!

A lovely sunny morning for the final flush count of the winter. The highlight was the four jack … Read More

October flush count

Our first foray of the winter through the marshes this morning raised a total of 7 snipe: one … Read More

Flowers and birds

Seen in the last day or two: a  kestrel hunting over Big Meadow (29th May) and a heron … Read More