Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Grey partridge

Sunday 6th Feb, 11am, 2 grey partridge by long hedge (below drumlin) in West Field. Corroborated by woman … Read More

Grey partridge or Not?

Yesterday early evening we spotted two grey partridge in Flora field, the first time for over a year!

Grey Partridge

Two in Flora Field this evening. Pretty confident of the identification as they were in much the same … Read More


A pair of grey partridge were in the arable field today. Up to 6 linnets around too.

Wildlife today

Whist working in the Reserves today we have observed three roe deer (this morning in Upper and Lower … Read More

Grey Partridge

I know the Grey Partridge is one of the birds that the Nature Reserve is trying to encourage. … Read More


A pair of grey partridge were in the arable field this morning but the large linnet flock was … Read More

Big Meadow birds

In the Big Meadow this morning and had a very good sighting of three partridge. I also think … Read More

Bird sightings by Richard

Drip’s last post mentioned that a group of FOG members went round the reserve with Richard Storton from … Read More


Along with a host of jackdaws, there were about 15 starlings in the Gleesons field this afternoon. We … Read More