Queens Award for Voluntary Service

March 2025 Snipe Flush Count

On Monday 3 March the survey team carried out last count of the winter season.

It was very wet underfoot after the recent rain. We recorded:

  • Big Meadow: 18 Common Snipe and 7 Jack Snipe
  • School Pond: 15 Common Snipe and 1 Jack Snipe
  • Hay Meadow: 4 Common Snipe

In total, 37 Common Snipe and 8 Jack Snipe.

We also flushed 1 Woodcock from Upper Sowerholme, and Mallard, Teal and a Grey Heron from the small ponds. 

Many of the Snipe that use Fairfield in the winter, will soon be leaving to spend the summer in Northern and Eastern Europe.