Minutes of the Fairfield Association meeting held on 15 October 2024 at the Tite & Locke.
Andrew Brennand(Chair), Geoff Oliver, Hilary Short, Ian Diffenthal, Ian Procter, Janet Paske, Mick Short, Mike Stevens, Sharon Diffenthal, Sue Nieduszynska, Sue Pope
1. Apologies
Mark Tanner
2. Minutes from the last meeting
- These were agreed.
3. Matters Arising
- Response from LGGS to letter sent to them about LNR – Hilary heard that there had been agreement in June 2018 but LGGS is still waiting to hear from the City Council.
- Bicycle Hangar – it has been installed and the solicitor has been involved in drawing up an application form. Flier to be distributed so we can gage the level of interest. The first six applications from eligible households will get a space. Mike and Andrew to distribute fliers.
- QR code project is ongoing – hope to apply for funding soon.
- Cycle route – Google routes cyclists though the reserve, even though they are pedestrian only footpaths. No progress
- Track adjacent to the reserve from Aldcliffe Road has been resurfaced.
- Comms plan will be put on the agenda in the new year.
4. AGM minutes
Accounts are not yet available on the website
5. Treasurer’s Report
Bank balance
Date | Account | Amount (£) |
20.08.24 | 131,828 | |
15.10.24 | Co-op | 52,724 |
Skipton | 85,000 | |
15.10.24 | Total 137, 724 |
Restricted funds
Source | Amount (£) |
LCC (bicycle hangar) | 4933 |
Total | 4933 |
General funds
Significant income
- Balance of LEF grant £6933
- LCC balance towards cycle pod £300
- Apple Day £375
- £200 for independent audit of accounts
- £500 tree surgery
- £550 margins
- £341 fence posts
6. Playground
- Lease renewal is still with LCC.
- Survey of users – now closed, summary from Mike for next meeting
- Andrew will get the plaques from the City Council and store until we are ready to make a new one and reinstall them
- Ian Diffenthal will experiment with a solution to making the bins windproof
7. Education
- Nothing to report.
- Need to do more – Andrew to contact Pavlos about the neighbours who expressed an interest in getting involved
- Tie in the QR code project
8. Events
- Apple Day on Saturday 5 October – a successful event. Thanks very much to Pavlos and Veronica For organising
- Green Fair on Saturday 23 November at the Friends Meeting House
- Carol singing on Christmas Eve
- Wassailing won’t run in January 2025, Andrew to contact Mark Reynolds
- Fairfield Festival in the same vein as 2024 (i.e. not primarily concerned with fund raising) on Saturday 24 May 2025
- Volunteers needed – despite the fact we have had a very helpful influx of volunteers who are taking responsibility for organising events and producing the newsletter we need to recruit more volunteers – possible event
- Proposal for an annual programme of events was discussed to be agreed in advance so it can be published on the 2026 calendar
- New ratproof seed bins have been installed
- Monitoring mosquitos in the nature reserve – data has gone to Portland Down – this may be repeated next year
- Application to the Tree Council for funding for saplings has been successful. We have to pay £690 and that will be refunded
- FFOG meetings could be at the Tite & Locke
10. The Triangle
- Nothing to report
11. General Updates
- None
12. Website, Facebook, Instagram and Newsletter
- Newsletter was edited by Katherine Woodfine and the distribution organised by Veronica Dunne and Wendy Naganishi – thanks to all.
- Website stats for September 2024
- Visitors: 556
- Page views: 1495
- Average session duration: 3m55s
- A few highlights from other dates:
- Apple Day viewed 98 times in the days preceding the event in October
- Playground page: 437 views in July
- Fairfield Festival page: 459 views in July
13. AOB
- None
14. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will take place at 7:30pm on Tuesday 19 November 2024 at the Tite & Locke.
PDF of Minutes
These minutes are also available as a PDF
(The minutes were amended on 21 November 2024)