Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Get Involved


The Fairfield Association depends on volunteers, so there is lots to do.

How you can help

  • Work parties
  • Fundraising
  • Cake-making
  • Delivering newsletters
  • Annual events
  • Admin work
Fairfield Association group photograph

Community Membership

Keep in touch with what is going on and see how you can help. Membership is free.

Fairfield Friends

Fairfield Association Friends exists to give people the opportunity to make small, regular donations to the Association which will help to cover the costs both of developing all these areas as needed and also of their ongoing maintenance.

Donations and Legacies

The Fairfield Association is grateful for any support it receives to help preserve the wonderful green spaces it is maintaining for Fairfield residents and the wider Lancaster community.

Work Parties

Volunteer work parties undertake work throughout the Nature Reserve and Playground.

Regular work parties meet:

On Wednesday mornings from 9.30am to around 1pm

On the second Saturday morning of each month from 10am to around 1pm

All welcome!

Volunteers with Scythes Outside Church