Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Beaver Scout Visit

Our local 13th Beavers visited the Fairfield Nature Reserve on the weekend of 8/9th June. The group were overnight ‘camping’ in their HQ and came to visit on Saturday afternoon and again on the Sunday. Surprisingly, they were still full of beans on this morning after their night’s camp!

The weather was warm and sunny and just ideal for spotting lots of wildlife.

On Saturday the Beavers went on a sensory exploration of the reserve looking for textures, shapes and colours. This was followed by a well deserved cool drink and snack.

Girl Beaver with a flower

The children then set about a technology task in which they had to find their own way around the orchard using iPods and QR-codes, part of activities needed to complete their IT badge.

The afternoon finished with a wildlife game and another IT activity, before tired little Beavers left for their HQ and a fish and chip supper. Yummy!

On Sunday morning, using binoculars provided by the Fairfield Association, the group went birdwatching around the reserve. Lots of birds to be seen. After looking at some old bird nests, the morning at the Orchard finished with an active ‘bird’ game. The Beavers then took part in follow-up IT activities at their Scout Hut, using photos and videos they had taken in the Orchard to create their own PowerPoint presentations.

A very busy 24 hours, happy Beavers and badges earned!

Tony Finn