Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Aldcliffe Triangle News Archive 2018

December 2018

Mince pies & mulled wine

On Monday 3rd December at 7.30pm we will be having a Christmas get together masquerading as a meeting. Items on the agenda include consumption of mince pies and consumption of mulled wine.

The minutes of the October meeting, which did include some genuine business, are available for your infotainment here. The November meeting was cancelled due to the chair’s inability to stop coughing.

(Posted 1 December 2018)

June 2018

Fair result, art result, next meeting

Despite it being the coldest day in recent memory, last weekend’s Summer Fair drew in the crowds, and in the process of feeding and entertaining them we raised an excellent £850 for Triangle funds.

Many thanks to everyone who helped set up and take down, ran stalls, nurtured plants and cake, donated books and tombola prizes, or simply turned up and enjoyed themselves. It wouldn’t happen without you.

Casting our minds back a few weeks, our latest art exhibition was also a great success, and the artists have donated a very welcome £320 to Triangle funds from the proceeds. They are keen to come back with a new show in two year’s time.

All this money won’t spend itself, so we will be having a meeting this Monday 11th June at 7.30pm to discuss priorities and plan a gentle summer work programme. The minutes of the last meeting date back to a time when rain was a thing, and are looking very pale here.

(Posted 10 June 2018)

May 2018

Summer Fair plans

The weather was very kind to our art exhibitors last weekend, and they seemed pleased with how things went. If you didn’t manage to get down for a look, there are some photos on the Gallery, here.

Our next event is our Summer Fair which will be held on Saturday June 2nd, from 12 noon until 4pm. This will feature the classics in the form of the Triangle BBQ, cakes & drinks, children’s games, tombola, plant stall, books/DVDs/games stall, and live acoustic music. Canal arts & crafts will be making a welcome return, and new for this year will be ice-cream!

As usual, we need some help to deliver all this merriment, and we are particularly looking for some volunteers to help on the day with the plant stall and children’s games, as the usual suspects unfortunately have to be elsewhere.

We are also looking for donations of suitable items/unwanted gifts for the tombola, surplus vegetation for the plant stall, pre-enjoyed media for the books/DVDs/games stall, and home-crafted loveliness for the cake stall.

It is helpful (but not essential) to have tombola items and plants in advance, and books etc can also be accommodated if necessary, so please contact Dave (see Contact page) if you have something to pledge, and you will be put through to the correct person.

We will be setting up on the day from 9ish, and packing up at the end, so if you are a gazebo wizard or just enjoy carrying things, please feel free to turn up and join in.

(Posted 10 May 2018)

A visit from Mr Fox!

This coming bank holiday weekend we are hosting our second pop-up art exhibition, open 10am til 4pm, Saturday 5th to Monday 7th May. The show is by Emma Grover and John Lambert, who make quirky, original and affordable artwork in a range of media including print, paint, mixed media and photography.

John has produced a new series of images, made specifically for this exhibition. This work documents the debris and rubbish washed up on the estuary. Bottles and other discarded objects are transformed into beautiful images that contrast with the true cost of this environmental issue. Alongside this he will be showing a series of mixed media images full of colour that mix photographic imagery and gestural mark-making.

Emma’s images are populated by characters such as Flying Mr Fox, Goose Girl and Helicopter Man who exist in an absurd world of the imagination where strange creatures go about their daily business. The playfulness of the imagery is underpinned by highly refined use of a range of printmaking process, including etching, screenprint, lino and monoprint.

The artists are donating 20% of the proceeds to the Triangle coffers, so do come along, and tell your neighbours, friends, social media chums etc.

February 2018

Snowdrops, diary dates, next meeting

The first results of our bulb planting session in the autumn are now showing, with a handful of snowdrops in bloom around the birch and the rowan. Hopefully there will be more to come as spring does its thing.

Some dates for your diary over the next six months:

Thu 22nd Feb at 7pm – Fairfield Association (inc Triangle) Volunteers Buffet

An informal gathering held at The Storey for volunteers of all kinds, from cake bakers to raised bed builders. Cost is £10 per person but the food is excellent. Contact us before Feb 15th to book your place.

Sat 5th May to Mon 7th May – Art at the Triangle

The second art exhibition in the workshop. More details nearer the time.

Sat 2nd June – Triangle Summer Fair

BBQ, cake, plants, tombola, games, music, and more!

Our next meeting is this Monday 5th Feb at 7.30pm. The brief minutes of the last meeting / Christmas gathering are here. The mince pie consumption tallies have been redacted to prevent embarrassment to the Chair.

We will have a volunteer session when it warms up a bit.

(Posted 3 February 2018)