Nature Reserve Survey Archive
Archive containing PDF or Excel copies of all the major surveys carried out since the creation of the nature reserve.
Protecting and improving green spaces in Lancaster
The Fairfield Association is committed to regular surveys of the Nature Reserve. The first page contains PDF and/or Excel copies of all the major surveys.
Additionally, we are beginning to add web versions of some of the surveys, such as the snipe counts. These can be found further below.
Archive containing PDF or Excel copies of all the major surveys carried out since the creation of the nature reserve.
An overview of the snipe count results since 2013 using different charts.
We are currently experimenting with different ways of showing the Snipe count results …
On Monday 3 March the survey team carried out last count of the winter season.
On Monday 3 February the survey was carried out in the usual four fields.
On Monday 6 January the survey team carried out the third count of the winter.
On Monday 2 December we carried out the second Snipe survey of the winter season.
The survey team carried out the first snipe count of the season on Monday 2 November …
Here is the tally of birds seen at the March (and final) snipe flush.
Wildlife seen on the reserve during the flush count on 5 February.