Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Stoat and hares

A couple more sightings from Michael: Stoat seen running around the Orchard stones Sunday morning, and three hares … Read More

Stoat again

Could this be the same one as seen yesterday? If so it has moved quite a distance from … Read More

Stoat, starlings and linnets

Last Wednesday (8th February) as the Hedge Working Party past Little Wood we saw a stoat dart across … Read More

Stoat and herons

Tuesday 22nd. A third siting of a stoat around the triple gates area. We also saw at least … Read More

Wildlife whilst hedging

The Hedge Working Party met yesterday. One of us observed a small flock of field fare in West … Read More

Stoat and comma

Yesterday afternoon from the triple gates we saw a stoat jumping around in the edge of the stubble … Read More