Queens Award for Voluntary Service

January Snipe Flush Count

On Monday 6 January the survey team carried out the third count of the winter.

After the recent wintry conditions and heavy rain previous to the survey, the fields were very wet, and Cromwell Pond and School Pond more extensive than usual.

Numbers of Common Snipe and Jack Snipe were up on the previous two months. There were:

  • 7 Common Snipe and 1 Jack Snipe in Hay Meadow
  • 1 Common Snipe in Upper Sowerholme
  • 6 Common Snipe and 3 Jack Snipe in School Pond
  • 48 Common Snipe and 10 Jack Snipe in Big Meadow

So, in total, 62 Common Snipe and 14 Jack Snipe.